The Balanced Dog | Rehabilitation & Wellness

“Rehabilitation Solutions for Dogs”

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Get our FREE Puppy Exercise Guide

Learn tips & tricks that will keep your puppy safe as they grow.

This e-book contains information about ACL injuries including:

  • Dog knee anatomy
  • How does a torn ACL in dogs occur?
  • Breeds commonly affected by ACL injury
  • Symptoms of a torn ACL in dogs
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment options for a torn ACL in dogs
  • ACL surgery: What to expect, What happens next
  • Post-surgical home exercises including links to videos

Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.”

Orhan Pamuk

Clinical Services

The Balanced Dog is pleased to partner with The Animal Wellness & Performance Clinic. We service the Southern Highlands and surrounds, NSW, Australia. We also offer online consultations.

If you would like to book a consultation please email us at

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